The Johnston Family Blog

Happenings and musings from the Johnston family

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Staying Cool...

It has been HOT around here lately. We've been staying cool with trips to the pool and playing in our back yard pool, getting soaked by the hose, and water table. The boys have been really enjoying our little pool and it's been fun for them to go out in the evenings and swim!
We've had so much fun outside this summer and the heat hasn't bothered us at all! Summertime is the best!

David and Owen love playing together. It brings me so much joy to see them together! They are buddies. :)


InDeeds said...

Glad to see that you are staying cool!

Sarah said...

I hope YOU are staying cool!!! Can't imagine being pregnant and due in this heat!!! Thinking of you and baby girl. :)

Maura said...

Just got online after almost a week. Love your updates and pictures. Looks like you all are having so much fun trying to stay cool! I really like the shots you have of David on this post. very nice! See you when we get back!