The Johnston Family Blog

Happenings and musings from the Johnston family

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

He is risen! We hope you and your family had a blessed Easter celebrating our Savior's resurrection. Our church had a special Easter service and what joy filled our hearts as we sang to our Risen Lord and we heard a wonderful sermon. It was so much fun to see all of the little ones dressed in their Easter finest.

We visited both of our families and David had the time of his life getting treats from Momom and Popop and Mimi and Popop. David also enjoyed his very first Easter egg hunt! Our niece, Kaylynn, was dressed in her beautiful Easter dress and it was fun to see David and Kaylynn together. David loved seeing his Uncle Al who is recovering from knee surgery and we hope that we were able to cheer him up! David came home with the biggest chocolate bunny I've ever seen from Mimi and Popop and I must confess, I've enjoyed it too.

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